Pond Fountain vs. Aerator: What’s the Difference?

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If you have a pond, the possibilities of designs and features are endless. The most popular choices are water patterns and streams created by fountains or sub-surface aerators. But can you pick the right garden addition for your needs?

Pond fountains are better suited for shallow ponds, while aerators are suitable for any depth pond. Both devices aim at existing in support of the ecosystem and be visually appealing. However, in terms of aeration, deeper ponds won’t receive enough oxygen with just a fountain.

Find out how to pick the right device for your pond below.

What Is a Pond Fountain?

If you have ever noticed a pond suddenly becoming the focal point of a garden or park, that is probably because of a fountain. These powerful devices can create geometries and shapes with water that are bound to charm everybody, from kids to adults. 

Whether you are trying to brighten up or spice up a plain-looking garden or you are aiming for an elegant-looking environment, a pound fountain can give you everything you are looking for. 

But what makes them so different from subsurface aerators is their construction. Indeed, pond fountains are floating devices held just below the surface by strings that connect the main body to the pumps.

The pump responsible for pushing the water streams through the pound’s surface is located at the sides of the fountain, at the bottom of the pond. Due to the way they are built, fountains will push oxygenated water from just below the surface upwards. 

These devices are better for shallow ponds because nothing below the device will benefit from a constant stream of oxygen. However, aeration and fresh oxygen are particularly important at depth, where microbes work to keep the pond clean and healthy. 

In the case of a deeper pond, a fountain will guarantee you to have beautiful water designs to enjoy, but the level of the pond’s aeration might not be satisfactory. This is not to say that you can’t invest in a pond fountain if you prefer them over a standard aerator. 

Characteristics of a Pond Fountain

A pond fountain is a floating device held at a distance, just below the surface. Unlike sub-surface aerators, fountains spray the water upwards, far from the pond’s surface. Some of the characteristics of a pond fountain include the ones below.

They Are Mainly Decorative

Pond fountains are beautiful additions to any pond, garden, or park. They are excellent devices if you are looking at increasing the circulation of the water in a stagnant, shallow pond. 

However, when it comes down to create aeration for a deeper or larger pond, fountains become more decorative than efficient. Indeed, the water movement they create does not reach the depth at which flora and fauna of the pond are meant to thrive and stay at the surface.

On the other hand, if you don’t want to renounce the beauty of a fountain, but you prefer to have an aerator’s efficiency, you can implement both in your ponds. One of the main benefits of fountains is that you can truly pick a water design that satisfies your personal preferences. 

They Create Movement in the Water

In shallow ponds where the aeration does not need to reach great depths, a fountain can create the water movement you need to support the ecosystem

Indeed, the circular movement of the water that starts from below the surface allows each particle to fill with fresh oxygen, which will fall back into the pond. In turn, this fresh oxygen can help flora and fauna of the pond in their functions. 

Create Different Designs

Aerators are excellent devices to increase the level of oxygenation of the water. However, they won’t do much, aside from creating a soft movement on the pond’s surface. 

Instead, when opting for a fountain, you know that you can pick among several different designs, or create a custom-made one. In any case, such additions can help you design your dream garden or lawn while doing something positive for the local environment. 

It is important to notice that the pond fountains can result in much pricier devices that aerators, mostly because of the intricate designs they can create. However, these can last for many years to come!

Can Be Fitted With Lights

If you are looking at making your private or commercial gardens to use after sunset, investing in water fountains can be the right choice for you. Indeed, these devices are fitted just below the surface, which means that they will project water through the surface and up in the air. 

Since they are not fitted at the bottom of the pond, it is possible to add lights around the water effects. The result of this is a harmonious design of light and water that can be the focal point of your garden. Lastly, it can also be an addition to your garden’s lighting system!

Who Is a Pond Fountain Best For?

A pond fountain is an ideal addition to the garden, lawn, park, or patio of those who are looking to create a magical atmosphere just off their own doorsteps. While fountains can be fitted in any pond regardless of depth and size, they won’t do much toward the aeration of the water if the pond is too deep. 

For any pond that is deeper than 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 meters), it is recommendable to opt for a sub-surface aerator instead. Of course, you can decide what device to integrate into your garden, but you might also need to consider the ecosystem that is at the core of your pond. 

Indeed, while you might still opt for a fountain, the flora, fauna, and microbes of the pond might suffer from this choice. As a result, you might find your pond to be much dirtier and stagnant than you wanted it to be. 

Maintenance of a Pond With a Fountain

Maintaining a pond fountain is not challenging, but needs to be done regularly to ensure the proper functioning of the device in your pond. Below you can find a short guide of all the checks you should do regularly.

  • Clean the bowl around the fountain – if there is one. You can do so with a non-abrasive cloth
  • Clean the pump
  • Take off any algae build-up that might have started to appear on the device
  • Check the functioning of all parts

If the fountain is fitted deep within the pond and you are afraid you might disturb the local ecosystem, speak to an expert. Depending on the package you have picked, some aspects of your pond fountain maintenance might already be included. 

Even if they are not, it is better to ask a professional to check rather than compromise the pond’s already-fragile ecosystem.

Pros and Cons of a Pond Fountain

As we have seen, fountains can be excellent additions for most ponds. However, there are some serious advantages and disadvantages to consider that can guide you in the choice. Find an overview below.


  • You can pick among several design types and water shapes
  • It is a floating device anchored at the bottom
  • Some maintenance is included in the price
  • Lights can be fitted at the base to improve the fountain’s look
  • It moves the water of a pond
  • It is better suited for ponds that are not deeper than
  • 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 meters)


  • It won’t support the ecosystems that are lower than the fountain’s reach
  • They are often pricier than aerators
  • Since the device is not positioned at the bottom, pond won’t receive as much aeration
  • Require regular maintenance 

What Is an Aerator?

Aerators are devices that are structurally different from pond fountains. If you have ever peeked into an aquarium, you might have noticed a fake skull blowing bubbles toward the surface. If you wish to employ a similar device for your pond, you will not actually buy anything that is much different from that. 

Of course, the aerators created for ponds are devices created with the idea of providing oxygen for several cubic meters of water, rather than for a little home aquarium. However, the principle behind it is the same. 

Moreover, just like in the case of aquariums’ aerators, these devices create water movements below the surface that result in visually appealing designs and bubble streams. However, in the case of pond aerators, such bubbles might not be visible if they happen deep within the pond. 

On the other hand, aerators are excellent providers of oxygen for all flora and fauna living within the pond. 

Indeed, while fountains tend to focus their water movement near the surface, aerators work much deeper. This characteristic makes them perfect for functioning in ponds of any depth, even deeper than 8 feet ( 2.4 meters). 

If you want to look after the health of your pond and all the animals and flora that live in it, an aerator will guarantee a much longer, healthier life. 

Moreover, the water circulations also prevent the water from becoming stagnant and causing all those issues that are easy to develop because of still waters. 

You can check out what a pond aerator looks like in the video below:

Characteristics of an Aerator

Aerators are devices anchored at the bottom of the pond or small lake. They are connected with a pump that created the water flow from land. This land manages the flow of oxygen and bubbles – and allows you to tune it in the mode you prefer. 

Subsurface aerators then release continuous streams of bubbles that head rapidly toward the surface. While doing so, such oxygen is released along the route of the bubbles – in the middle of the pond water.

Here and at greater depths is where the protagonists of the pond flora and fauna live. The oxygen particles released here can be particularly helpful to support such life. 

Some characteristics of subsurface aerators include:

They are Connected to a Land-Based Pump

Aerators, unlike fountains, are connected to a land-based pump. This characteristic allows you to check the flow and keep an eye on the setting. However, the most attractive benefit of this characteristic is that a land-based pump can help you limit the number and extensiveness of maintenance tasks. 

Indeed, if there is a problem with the aerator, you won’t need to disturb the pond’s ecosystem, fauna, or flora. Instead, you can sort everything out from the pond’s bay. This is not only a much more straightforward process, but it can also be much more affordable.  

They Provide Oxygen

If you have been searching for a pond aeration system that is truly visually appealing, but it will also benefit flora and fauna in your pond, an aerator is a device for you. Indeed, aerators are set at the bottom of the body of water – meaning that the stream of water they generate crosses the whole pond. 

By doing so, the circular motion releases oxygen along the way before the bubbles pop at the surface. The whole process is ideal for increasing the level of oxygen in the water of your pond and avoiding stagnant waters.

They are Fixed at the Bottom of the Pond.

Aerators, unlike fountains, are fixed at the bottom of the pond. This characteristic is something to consider, as makes these devices much more permanent than fountains are. However, swapping them for a new one is not difficult with the help of a professional in the field. 

Due to its more fixed position, the maintenance required for this device is limited. However, often, you need to keep an eye on the pump that is on land and connecting tubes.

They are Ideal for Deeper Ponds.

Only a few homeowners are lucky enough to have decorative, shallow ponds in their estate. In many other cases, ponds tend to vary in depth and size depending on the season and local characteristics. 

Aerators are the perfect solution for ponds that tend to vary in depths and are subjected to freezing. These devices are much sturdier than fountains and provide aeration at greater depths. Of course, the aerator’s patterns might cause you to miss out on the beautiful water movements that fountains would offer you.

Who Is an Aerator Best For?

Aerators are best for homeowners who are looking after a pond that is varying. If it gets smaller, deeper, larger, or colder, depending on the season, you should invest in a more permanent solution than a simple water fountain.

While aerators will not offer you the capturing water effects of fountains, they are sturdy devices that are likely to look after your pond’s health for many years to come. With little maintenance and fewer costs involved, this choice has become always more attractive for homeowners who want the best for their garden, but for less. 

Maintenance of a Pond With an Aerator

As we have mentioned, the maintenance of a pond with an aerator is much less demanding than the one for a pond fountain. Aerators sit at the bottom of the pond and are controlled by a pump sitting on land. Therefore, unless there is a serious issue with the device’s cable, you don’t need to remove it or change it. 

Additionally, aerators tend to be more resistant to greater depths and extreme weather conditions. While they might not offer the same level of show-like water movements, sub-surface aerators can be your pond’s companions for many years to come. 

Pros and Cons of an Aerator

Aerators might not be the first choice for someone who needs to turn their ponds into the garden’s focal point. However, they can look after flora and fauna of the pond and provide oxygen and most depths. This is essential to prevent the problems deriving from stagnant water. 


  • Sits at the bottom of the pond, fitted b professionals.
  • Requires less maintenance because of the land-based pump
  • They are usually cheaper than fountains
  • They are suitable for deeper ponds
  • They are suitable for areas with harsh winters
  • They provide oxygen across the pond
  • This device looks after the wellbeing of flora and fauna of the pond


  • You won’t see and enjoy the lights you have applied along its border if it is sitting at a depth that is too great. However, you could skip adding lights altogether.
  • They won’t create the water movements that are characteristic of water fountains.


When it comes down to picking an addition for your garden, patio, or lawn, there is always a choice to make: fountain vs. aerator for your pond. If you are looking for technical guidelines only, you should know that fountains are not particularly suitable for ponds deeper than 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 meters). 

Aerators are better suitable for any depths. However, if you like the design it produces, you can use a fountain in ponds of any depths. Before committing to a choice, make sure it is also beneficial for the ecosystem in your pond!

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