If you have a green thumb, chances are you have an abundance of yard tools, fuels, and oils at any time. If your chainsaw has run out of gas, can you safely use weed eater gas?
You can use weed eater gas in a chainsaw, and it will not result in reduced performance. The substitution is possible because both weed eaters and chainsaws use the same style of engines. However, you still need to be careful about using fuel to protect your chainsaw menu.
This blog post was born from many people asking about the possibility of using weed eater fuel in their chainsaws. Below you’ll learn the nuts and bolts of how it’s possible and what precautions you should take to keep your engine safe. So, let’s get to it!
Are Weed Eater Gas and Chainsaw Gas the Same?
Weed eater gas and chainsaw gas are not the same. However, they are similar enough that you can use them interchangeably because both tools use two-stroke engines.
The two tools can be activated with the same fuel type because they have the same engine at their cores. You can also put weed eater gas in a lawnmower, as this article indicates.
Two-stroke (or two-cycle) engines use a combination of gas and oil to create combustion. These engines are simple and do not require specialty fuel to operate (though there are some precautions to take, as we’ll see below).
As long as you use the correct oil-to-gas ratio, weed eater gas and chainsaw gas are interchangeable.
What Is a Chainsaw’s Ideal Oil-to-Gas Ratio?
Every gas engine uses oil to protect itself from damage. The oil keeps engine parts lubricated to prevent or reduce the wear and tear of moving mechanical parts. First, however, you must adequately measure the oil for the amount of gas used.
The ratio for chainsaws with two-stroke engines is usually 50:1 [2.6 ounces (29.58 ml) of oil for every 1 gallon (3.79 liters) of unleaded gas]. However, the balance can vary depending on your unit’s model, and you should confirm the correct mixture in your owner’s manual.
Getting the correct balance of oil and gas ensures your tool will run smoothly for years to come. If you have too much or too little oil, it will result in engine damage, engine breakdown, or power failures. Even if you stay on top of regular maintenance procedures, they can’t compensate for poorly balanced oil.
How Much Ethanol Should My Chainsaw Gas Contain?
While you can safely substitute chainsaw gas with weed eater gas, you still need to ensure that the gas is safe for your engine. In addition to using the right amount of unleaded fuel, you must be aware of its ethanol level.
The amount of ethanol in a gas is measured by a percentage, which should be at most 10%.
The Environmental Protection Agency requires ethanol to be added to gasoline sold in the United States. Ethanol reduces carbon emissions from burned fuel, making it cleaner and less harmful to the environment. However, ethanol can pose some problems for engines.
Ethanol attracts and locks in moisture, harming smaller engines like the two-stroke model. Using gas with 10% or less ethanol reduces the risk of long-term harm to the engine. You can also find ethanol-free mixtures in some hardware stores, though these pose their own risks.
How Can I Get the Most Out of My Weed Eater Gas?
Fuel can be expensive, and while we can’t do much to control the price on the consumer end, it’s possible to make significant savings by using the fuel properly and efficiently.
The following maintenance tips will ensure that you waste as little gas as possible. They can also extend the life of your engine.
Gasoline “Expires” After 30 Days
When and how often you use your chainsaw matters regarding fuel efficiency. Gas has a limited shelf life due to oxidation. This natural process starts after 30 days from its initial use, potentially causing a wide range of problems for your engine.
Oxidized fuel causes corrosion and other forms of dangerous build-up in the fuel system. In time, this will negatively impact the engine’s ability to function. In addition, build-up like this can also affect any new fuel added to the system.
Regularly cleaning your fuel system is the best way to address these problems. However, you can also reduce the build-up by using as much of the initial fuel as possible during that 30-day window.
Be Mindful of Winter
Leaving fuel unused in your chainsaw is a bad idea regardless of what time of year it is, but it’s especially dangerous during the winter.
Moisture will wreak havoc on an engine, but it can cause irreparable harm to fuel systems if it freezes in winter. Winterizing your engine before the cold sets in for extra protection is also a good idea.
You can do this by filling your chainsaw’s gas tank with a fuel stabilizer and then running the chainsaw until it feels warm to the touch. This will ensure that the stabilizer has been mixed into the fuel thoroughly, and will protect it during the winter.
Don’t Neglect the Oil Filter
It’s easy to let small but essential maintenance steps slip by, especially if you use your chainsaw infrequently.
A clogged or dirty filter will prevent oil from reaching the engine in sufficient quantities, hindering its performance and wasting fuel. It’s a good idea to check the filter every time you add fuel in addition to what the manufacturer recommends.
You can test the filter for yourself once you’ve removed it. Carefully pour oil through it and watch how easily it flows through. Severe clogging will reduce free flow to drips and trickles and will warrant a complete replacement.
Weed eater gas will work perfectly fine in a chainsaw using a two-stroke engine. However, you still need to follow general maintenance tips for both the tool and its fuel to ensure maximum efficiency and safety. As long as you perform regular upkeep, weed eater gas will help you get the most out of your chainsaw.